For nearly 20 years, Sylvia Marketing & Public Relations has kept educators, nonprofit executives, business thought leaders, and celebrities in front of the camera. We are much more comfortable on the other side of the camera, out of view, letting our clients get all the exposure. But from time to time, the media gives us a nod, for which we are grateful. They usually quote us as charter school spokespersons, or the same for Christian schools, private schools, logistics and supply chain management companies, and celebrities.
And sometimes the media gets it wrong, which can be funny. They have accused publicist Ken Kilpatrick of being an attorney, of being an activist putting a government body “on notice,” and once, quoted him complaining about his skyrocketing medical malpractice insurance costs that threatened to put an early end to his career as a neurosurgeon. Indeed, it gets fun sometimes.
This time, however, Sylvia Marketing & Public Relations was given a nod for a statement that Maximus Mundy sent the media–one of our P.R. specialists. And, behold, the article got picked up by Yahoo! News, which gave us global publicity. This is by far not the first time, but this coverage regarding a municipal matter was not expected to go beyond a local distribution.
So, if you are located in the U.K., Spain, Italy, Israel, or “virtually” anywhere across the big pond, and need PR services, or would like to work for us, please get in touch. Sylvia Marketing & Public Relations is a global enterprise headquartered in the United States, with a network of specialists in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
And here’s the article that made us “famous.”
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