PA Cyber Charter School makes blankets and pillows for homeless shelter
Jan 15, 2024

HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – Giving back to the community is part of the opportunity to learn for children. Monday afternoon, students and staff with Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School got together to make no-sew blankets and pillows.
The finished products will be dropped off at the homeless shelter, Community CARES, in Carlisle.
The kids were all excited.
“[I want] to help the community,” student Dakotah Crumlich said.
Crumlich worked on a pink blanket that matched her shirt. It was the main reason she picked the design.
On Martin Luther King Jr. day in the past, PA Cyber has done events to create and give. Last year they donated 15 blankets to Community CARES.
It’s the first year Crumlich is helping out with the blanket drive through the school, but she is no stranger to helping others.
“She takes her own money sometimes and will buy gift bags for sick kids and donate them and stuff like that,” Andrea Crumlich, Dakotah’s mom, said. “She likes that.”
Daniel Wolf is helping because he is concerned with how others may not be able to stay warm as the temperature decreases.
“I’m really worried about how many people need blankets,” Wolf said.
His sister, Kristina, wasn’t too fond of being the one to tie the knots on the blankets; however, she put in a lot of work with the scissors.
“I’ve cut two blankets already,” she said.
It all teaches the kids to understand helping others even if you don’t have to.
“I think it’s important to remind them that a lot of people before us have given to others and we want to continue to pass that along each generation,” Howard Hiester, the Harrisburg regional representative for the school, said.
Filed: Sylvia Marketing & Public Relations cyber charter schools
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